The Labyrinth

The pattern of the 366 trees in the great circle defines the labyrinth

The Labyrinth at Falconhenge is a variation of this one, set into the floor of Chartres cathedral.

A labyrinth is not a maze. By following the path you visit every part of Falconhenge. The total distance is about a mile and allows quiet contemplation. Maybe you'll see a falcon overhead, maybe a bobolink will scold you.

Labyrinth stats

ring    diam    circumference    trees   spacing       orbit

13            372            1,169                                 140            6                        Kuiper Belt
12            348            1,093                                 140            6                        Kuiper Belt
11            324            1,018                                 36            28                        Pluto
10            300            942                                    36            26                        Neptune
9              276            867                                    38            23                        Uranus
8              252            792                                    36            22                        Saturn
7              228            716                                    36            20                        Jupiter
6              204            641                                    37            17                        Asteroid Belt
5              180            565                                    37            15                        Mars
4              156            490                                    36            14                        Earth
3              132            415                                    38            11                        Venus
2              108            339                                    36              9                        Mercury
1              60            188                                      24              8                        Clock

Total Labyrinth                        6,786 feet            366 trees in rings 2 - 11                       
1.29 miles